If you’re like most folks… you diet, you count calories, you tear up the treadmill, and…


That’s how one overweight mother with prediabetes was feeling…

She did “everything right” and never lost an inch. Until…

She stumbled on this strange “carb trick” and burned away an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 13 days…

And because of this one simple shift in her eating, she did it without starving herself…!

… and without a lick of exercise!

Now get this... with the same carb trick she dropped a total of 37lbs in the FIRST month!

… and shocked her doctor by completely reversing ANY pre diabetic symptoms!

You won’t even believe her final result so I won’t bother telling you. However you can see it for yourself on this page..

This might work for men, however it’s only been proven for women...

Starting a Keto diet can seem challenging in the beginning and many people lose motivation and get lost along the way. Reading this will be a sure fire way to give you the confidence you need to not only start a Keto diet, but see it through too. It can actually be very fun and easy when done correctly so follow the tips below to make sure you do it right and enjoy the process.
The biggest mistake people make with the Keto diet is not being organized. There is no way to be successful if you just rely on opening up the fridge each day and making do with what you have in there. This is the quickest way to failure and giving up, but does not have to happen with the proper guidance. Giving up is a real shame, because when you stick to it, the Keto diet can produce some amazing results.
Some of the most noted results that you can experience include:
• Your body will burn fat much faster
• It drastically reduces your blood sugar and insulin levels
• Your appetite gets reduced
• It increases your good cholesterol levels
The Keto diet is not like the average diet so improvising in the kitchen will not work. The main difference is that instead of running on carbohydrates like you have been, you will now be needing a different source of energy. Your new source of energy is fat. Yes, you read that right; the fat you have been cutting from every diet is now your best friend. You will no longer reduce it but add it to every mean and you will enjoy the benefits. Obviously what is in your kitchen right now will not necessarily work.
With your energy source primarily being fat, it is important to watch your protein intake. When protein levels are too high, they get processed as glucose which defeats the whole purpose of cutting out carbs. The number to remember is 20%; this is the number of calories that you want to come from protein. It is equally important to keep up your electrolytes because they are responsible for keeping the fluid levels inside and outside of your cells balanced. Without this your diet will be unsuccessful.


You do not have to be a nutritionist to make the diet work. Having the right information is critical to your success so you want to purchase a well-organized program instead of taking your own chances with guessing and working with what you have.
This diet has been deemed the one approach that will always work, when it is done correctly of course. Many of us find ourselves in constant battles with our weight trying approaches involving nutritional changes or exercise regimes. Often we have to diet for health reasons such as decreasing insulin levels.
Either way successful results are few and far between and people lose motivation quickly. You need to understand that your health and appearance will not change by themselves and you are responsible for the way you currently look and feel. Once you accept this, you will have all the motivation you need to make the Keto diet work for you.
You only need to pay a few bucks and a well-organized Keto program can be yours. You will need a reliable one to provide you with the guidance as well as peace of mind to get started. Having the guide to work with makes it easier to follow the diet as if someone is helping you carry the load, therefore making success more likely.
One thing to check in the program before buying is that it offers a variety of meals and snacks. You want to have a choice so that you enjoy your food and do not get bored. There needs to be a balance between enjoying your food and eating what you need. The more choices you have, the more fun the diet will be.
I believe that anyone can succeed with the Keto diet. By researching it and getting information now you already have shown an interest which is the first step. You have the basic motivation you need, so now you just build on that. Look into programs to see which one will fit you best and get started on this life changing mission. In no time at all, you will see the results other diets did not give you and you will feel and look great!
One good program I can direct you to is: The Costum Keto Diet
A very popular program that gives you a variety of easy daily recipes and a personaliced 8-week meal plan.
Good luck on your journey!

If you want to take all the guesswork out of your Keto diet and follow a guaranteed-to-work plan, then you'll love my brand-new custom keto meal plan service.
For the last few years, I’ve united leading nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to develop custom keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, and (most importantly) enjoyable.
And when I say "custom" meal plan, I mean it. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill, “here are some recipes pulled together from random blogs” meal plans many nutrition “gurus” sell for way too much money.
Instead, we tailor your entire meal plan to your own unique situation, needs, goals, and dietary preferences to ensure you experience optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy.
In other words, your days of suffering on ineffective and overly-restrictive diets are finally over. It's time to start working based on a method that's best for you.

One of the less discussed aspects of taking up the keto diet is how difficult the first three weeks can be. Everyone setting out on their keto journey has to endure the transition from a ‘standard’ carbohydrate heavy eating regimen to one based on fats and leafy greens. Gaining a state of ketosis can be tough for some people (and a breeze for others!) and there’s simply no way of dodging the discomfort should you be one of the unlucky ones. However, there are numerous tips that can help to make the passage considerably smoother. Over this article, we’ll discuss how to survive those essential and unavoidable first three weeks.
Research & Plan Ahead
Most people who fall by the wayside during the early days are those who just dive into their keto diet head first. For ketosis to work, you need to understand not just the physiological changes that your body will experience but also – crucially – what foods must be drastically reduced. Fortunately, there are vast amounts of resources which can guide you on this. Starchy carbohydrates are obvious (rice, potato, pasta, quinoa, etc) but others such as beans, legumes, and all sugar based products (including alcohol) less so for those new to keto.
People who succeed with this diet will not just understand what they need to do in order to succeed but will also time it appropriately. Most people will feel ‘Keto Flu’ two or three days in which will cause either mild or pretty severe side effects depending on your body chemistry and luck. Usually it only lasts a couple of days but of course, it is a bad idea for this to coincide with urgent deadlines or significant dates. A lazy weekend is the best possible combination, which is why many people choose to start their keto midweek.
Use Online Recipes & Resources
It can come as quite a shock after the first few days how difficult it can be to eat properly with next to no carbohydrates on the menu. Fortunately and thanks to the growing popularity of keto (because done properly it really does work) there are huge amounts of resources available. Keto recipes can be easily found online and it may be helpful to look at keto forums on the likes of Reddit for support and advice.
It is evident that there are great tips out there you can use to remain on your keto diet. But you are not limited to researching every little bit of information separately about this topic, which can be quite time-consuming.
One shortcut that I’m always recommending is to check out some programs to determine which one will fit you best and begin on this life-changing mission. You’ll have all the vital information packed in one place. In no time at all, you will notice outcomes that other diets didn’t give you and you’re going to feel and look incredible!
One well-written and comprehensive program I always recommend is The Custom Keto Diet
A highly popular program that provides you with many different easy daily recipes as well as uncomplicatedly written information about the keto diet.
Stock Up On Keto Friendly Foods
Cravings for carbs and sugar are near inevitable during the first three weeks. While it may be impractical to remove all such products from your pantry – after all not many people stay on keto long term anyway – simply boxing them up and placing in a loft, garage or so forth helps keep them out of arms reach.
Stocking up on keto approved foods ought to be the next step. The diet depends on replacing a high carbohydrate intake with a high – and unlimited – fat intake. Many people mix up keto with the protein-based Atkins diet. While most people will eat plenty of meat with keto, the objective is to do so with fattier cuts instead of an endless procession of grilled chicken breasts. Oils are also an important addition to the shopping list with coconut highly recommended unless you suffer from a pre-existing cardiovascular complaint.
Understanding The Figures
One of the great aspects of keto is that unlike many diets there are pretty reliable guidelines that if followed carefully will almost certainly result in fat burning ketosis. As mentioned above, fat is king and at least 70% of your daily calorific intake needs to come from these sources. While it may sound a lot after the first three weeks this can be lowered a little, but it essential to follow at the beginning.
Oils, plenty of cheese, butter, fatty meats/fish, and plenty of eggs (fried) are all recommended to achieve this. One good tip is natural peanut butter with no added sugar as it contains not just masses of fat and calories but also lots of fiber. Why is fiber important? Simply because in the case of peanut butter the fiber can reduce the impact of the carbohydrates from the peanuts.
During the first three weeks of keto, carbohydrates must be kept to no more than 25 net grams. In order to follow this get used to precisely weighing food and calculating from the nutritional information on packaging. All you need to do is subtract the fiber content from the carbohydrate total. This provides the net carb total – and while it may not be anywhere close to what you normally eat, it does allow for a very slight increase on the otherwise minuscule allowance.
As for protein, try to keep it no more than 25% although most people tend to inevitably eat more than this to begin with due to the diet being so restrictive. The reason why eating too much protein is discouraged is that fat is a much richer energy source and too much protein can make you feel slow and lacking energy. When the body feels this way, the biological impulse is of course to crave carbs – and nobody wants that!
Keep Your Electrolytes Up
One of the more problematic aspects of ketosis is that the kidneys will naturally excrete considerably more water than usual. Needing to visit the bathroom more frequently is a minor inconvenience, but the issue is that the more water you pass the lower your electrolyte levels will become. Salt and potassium deficiencies can lead to serious problems if left unaddressed so be sure to drink lots of water, season food heavily and eat plenty of potassium-rich green vegetables (avocados are also good) that retain water. This solution is the most simple and natural, but you may also wish to use sugar-free sports drinks reinforced with additional electrolytes.
Cheating Is Disastrous
Three weeks may not sound like a long time but when entering ketosis there are going to be times when you will crave sugar and carbohydrates. All it takes is one can of soda to entirely withdraw your body from ketosis. The problem, unfortunately, is that you cannot buy willpower in tins, so if this is likely going to be an issue it may be advisable to try different routes of support. Quite a good number of people who have failed this way find eventual success by adopting mindfulness techniques. Others tend to find it easier to attempt ketosis alongside other people to share mutual support and encouragement. It really depends on what is going to work for you.
Final Thoughts
Starting out on keto can be daunting at first but be assured that it does get easier after the first three weeks. Once past that milestone, many people look to adapt their eating to be a little more permissive and few people choose to stay on it for long periods of time. In fact, the more you practice going in ketosis the easier it will become to do so successfully at appropriate times over the year. Whatever route you choose to take long term, following the above pointers will go a long way towards making keto work for you.

Good luck on your journey!

Aside from countless before and after pictures of formerly-overweight people…

Or slews of raving testimonials…

What are medically-trained doctors saying about the ketogenic diet?

Well, it turns out quite a lot.

For instance, Dr. Oz praised:

“The Ketogenic Diet helps people go from a sugar-burner to a fat-burner in half the time it takes with other diets.”

Then there’s clinical nutritionist, Dr. Josh Axe, who said this:

“Rapid and reliable weight loss for people following a ketogenic diet is due to lowered insulin levels and the body being forced to burn stored body fat for energy."

And Dr. Mercola also stated that:

“I firmly believe the ketogenic diet can be a tremendously beneficial strategy for optimizing your health and disease prevention and treatment plan, including cancer."

Powerful testimonials from some big public figures, right?

But here’s the thing:

While it’s all well ’n good hearing that adopting a keto lifestyle can shed numerous pounds in half the time…

No-one mentions HOW or WHERE to start.

And to sprinkle a little more confusion into the mix…

There are literally 100s (if not 1000s) of ketogenic programs out there.

Many of which promote:

> Strict calorie and carb counting 
> Long, gut-wrenching exercise routines
> Expensive grocery lists, complex recipes, and unnecessary supplements

Because of this…

Lots of people struggle to stick with a keto diet long enough to experience the life-changing results.

And that’s why I created The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet

Inside my step-by-step program, I outline a simple 21-day diet plan that doesn’t require counting calories and carbs or eating tasteless foods. As an added bonus, exercise is totally optional. However, if you do choose to sweat it out, I’ve got a handbook of simple routines which melts fat and promotes better health at 3x the speed.

All you have to do is follow it.

Denver, Colorado, USA - October, 1st 2019 - People who struggle to lose weight  now have an easier, scientifically-proven option for breaking the weight gain cycle and shedding unwanted pounds: Leptitox. Sonya Rhodes just announced the release of a brand-new weight loss product. It is set for worldwide distribution as of October 2019 and is looking to change the dieting industry. Based on science-backed research on the underestimated and previously shrouded subject of leptin resistance, the all-natural supplements feature powerful herbs, select vitamins and amino acids to arm the body with the ability to fight and reverse leptin resistance—the cause of weight gain and obesity.

“Before we understood the role of leptin resistance in obesity and the inability to lose weight we had no other choice but to attack body fat in all the wrong ways,” says Sonya Rhodes, co-founder of Leptitox. “With the discovery of leptin, and the phenomenon of leptin resistance we finally know the right way to target the obesity epidemic we’re facing. And that’s what we’ve done with the Leptitox supplements; combined our awareness of leptin resistance with the desperation and despair people feel around their inability to lose weight when they’re doing everything they can.”

Determined to end the heartache of those who are overweight, and who don’t know how to combat it, Sonya Rhodes has taken it on herself to manufacture a product — Leptitox — which addresses the problem of leptin resistance as well as the initiating, underlying cause, breaking the weight gain cycle once and for all. As Sonya explains: “It was important that we not just treat the symptoms of weight gain, thereby managing the issue, but that we zero-in on the actual cause. We weren’t looking for superficial results, leaving people confused and feeding into the yo-yo trajectory diets are known for. Without addressing the cause we knew it wouldn’t be enough to really help people, and that was our mission.”

According to the extensive research Sonya Rhodes stands behind, leptin resistance stems from a source few people would acknowledge as a risk. This is why, according to Rhodes, the obesity epidemic has been able to spread as much as it has—we have blamed the wrong things and allowed the real cause to remain a normal staple of our lives. “This is how any problem proliferates, by not being stopped early on.” Sonya Rhodes continues, clearly passionate about the subject, “We didn’t nip the problem in the bud when we saw the initial spike of obesity and by that point it was too late anyway. If we had known what was making people gain weight we could have done something, but all we can do now is reverse it. Thankfully, that is what our supplements do. It’s not too late if we target the right things.”

Ideal for anyone who has struggled with seemingly stubborn and unresponsive body fat, leptitox attacks weight gain from the one place overlooked in the heath industry. Not only does it promote healthy weight loss, it helps curb hunger and detoxes the cause of leptin resistance right out of the body. Rhodes has created a product suitable for anyone who is tired of doing their best and seeing no results, and even better, the product itself is safe, all natural and suitable for a wide-range of people, with a no-risk 60 day money-back guarantee.

Leptitox supplements are currently available, having just been released to the public in the early fall. Purchasing the supplements also provides people with material created to inform the public of the true cause of their inability to lose weight, as well  as providing the solution so they can easily adjust their lifestyle to make permanent changes. For Rhodes this is just the beginning, her purpose is to broadcast the reality of leptin resistance and it’s solution — leptitox — to the world, and really make a difference in the lives of people who have lost hope.

Starting a Keto diet can seem challenging in the beginning and many people lose motivation and get lost along the way. Reading this will be a sure fire way to give you the confidence you need to not only start a Keto diet, but see it through too. It can actually be very fun and easy when done correctly so follow the tips below to make sure you do it right and enjoy the process.
The biggest mistake people make with the Keto diet is not being organized. There is no way to be successful if you just rely on opening up the fridge each day and making do with what you have in there. This is the quickest way to failure and giving up, but does not have to happen with the proper guidance. Giving up is a real shame, because when you stick to it, the Keto diet can produce some amazing results.
Some of the most noted results that you can experience include:
• Your body will burn fat much faster
• It drastically reduces your blood sugar and insulin levels
• Your appetite gets reduced
• It increases your good cholesterol levels
The Keto diet is not like the average diet so improvising in the kitchen will not work. The main difference is that instead of running on carbohydrates like you have been, you will now be needing a different source of energy. Your new source of energy is fat. Yes, you read that right; the fat you have been cutting from every diet is now your best friend. You will no longer reduce it but add it to every mean and you will enjoy the benefits. Obviously what is in your kitchen right now will not necessarily work.
With your energy source primarily being fat, it is important to watch your protein intake. When protein levels are too high, they get processed as glucose which defeats the whole purpose of cutting out carbs. The number to remember is 20%; this is the number of calories that you want to come from protein. It is equally important to keep up your electrolytes because they are responsible for keeping the fluid levels inside and outside of your cells balanced. Without this your diet will be unsuccessful.


You do not have to be a nutritionist to make the diet work. Having the right information is critical to your success so you want to purchase a well-organized program instead of taking your own chances with guessing and working with what you have.
This diet has been deemed the one approach that will always work, when it is done correctly of course. Many of us find ourselves in constant battles with our weight trying approaches involving nutritional changes or exercise regimes. Often we have to diet for health reasons such as decreasing insulin levels.
Either way successful results are few and far between and people lose motivation quickly. You need to understand that your health and appearance will not change by themselves and you are responsible for the way you currently look and feel. Once you accept this, you will have all the motivation you need to make the Keto diet work for you.
You only need to pay a few bucks and a well-organized Keto program can be yours. You will need a reliable one to provide you with the guidance as well as peace of mind to get started. Having the guide to work with makes it easier to follow the diet as if someone is helping you carry the load, therefore making success more likely.
One thing to check in the program before buying is that it offers a variety of meals and snacks. You want to have a choice so that you enjoy your food and do not get bored. There needs to be a balance between enjoying your food and eating what you need. The more choices you have, the more fun the diet will be.
I believe that anyone can succeed with the Keto diet. By researching it and getting information now you already have shown an interest which is the first step. You have the basic motivation you need, so now you just build on that. Look into programs to see which one will fit you best and get started on this life changing mission. In no time at all, you will see the results other diets did not give you and you will feel and look great!
One good program I can direct you to is: The 28-Day Keto Challenge
A very popular program that gives you a variety of easy daily recipes and a personaliced 8-week meal plan.
Good luck on your journey!